Monday, 12 November 2012

Study Task 4 : The Church Of London

The Church Of London - Little White Lies Magazine

Identify 5 companies/studios which you consider potentially synergetic to you personally.

Write a short explanatory paragraph and reasons for each:

Identify the top choice and WHY you feel that they may have synergy with your practice now, or in the near future.

Little White Lies is a bi-monthly, British independent movie magazine that features writing, illustration and photography related tocinema. It is published by London-based creative agency The Church of London who also publish Huck Magazine.

I was introduced to The Church of London and Little White Lies Magazine a couple of years by my good friend Fiona. She bought me the 'Attack of the block' issue to help me with the layout design of my final project in BTEC graphics. I had also seen the making of 'The black swan' video that celebrated the design process of making a magazine. This really impressed me as I have always been into magazine design since I was a kid and I had never thought about how a magazine was made from start to finish. The magazine and the video inspired me to look deeper into The Church Of London as a design agency, and now it would be a dream to work there. I love how every issue of Little White Lies is different from the last, as it has to talk about a new topic a month. This must mean the designers who work there, have to have a broad skills basis to manage to design something different for every issue.


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