Based on the principles that have been introduced so far in the PPP2 module, investigate who you are as a creative in relation to who is out there looking for creative talent.
Write a list of all the possible client groups that use graphic design in the development, production, distribution, promotion and/or communication of their products or services. Identify one client group that reflects your current ambitions within the graphic design area (music industry, retail, publishing, education etc.) and focus on identifying:
What skills / interests you have and how they relate to the needs of your client group?
What skills are needed and what skills do you want to develop?
What are your professional/creative aims and how do they relate to the needs of the client group?
It is essential that you make references to the ʻ4 Psʼ from the PPP2 Presentation. This is an exercise in applying that theory – it is not appropriate to write about the theory itself. Demonstrate your understanding of it by actually using it.
List of client groups within graphic design:
Music industry
Web design
Fashion industry
Fashion industry
What skills / interests you have and how they relate to the needs of your client group?
What skills / interests you have and how they relate to the needs of your client group?
I am quite a skilled image maker and I have a passion for print especially after the module OUGD504 where I have extended my knowledge of print finshes. Therefore my interests lie in editorial and publishing, branding and print making. I am a confident photographer to so I can mix and match a different range of mediums to my portfolio. When it comes to relating to the needs of my client group, a broad range of skills and interests are needed. I think my interest in print could help me push my interest in branding as I could use my craft to produce innovative prints.
What skills are needed and what skills do you want to develop?
The skills that are needed to tackle the client group list includes a good knowledge of the Adobe suite. I also think that you need the right mindset to push and break a brief but at the same time feel confident enough to communicate ideas. I want to develop my conceptional skills as well as craft based skills including book binding and more complicated screen printing methods.
What are your professional/creative aims and how do they relate to the needs of the client group?
My creative aim as a professional designer is to become more confident, as I feel this will benefit my practice when it comes to pitching ideas to clients. I would like to work on my idea generation skills as concepts are key when it comes creating innovative and industry standard pieces of work.
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