This is a very simple example of how my Target organisation chart works. I wanted to produce a stop frame motion of a printed copy of the poster and stickers however I have unable to print. The general idea behind this project is very simple, for each design module/brief you put up a Target poster and you write 'To Do' tasks on the arrow stickers. Once you have completed the 'To do' tasks you stick it on the Target. The target as you can see is split up into sectors that follow the design cycle. The sectors are Investigate, Plan, Design, Create and Evaluate. I want the target, when finished to make someone stand back and appreciate how much work goes into a brief. It should make them feel proud because it is a visual record of all their hard work.
The stickers build up towards the end of the film.
In the crit I will explain how you only put a sticker on the poster if you have completed the to do task. The more stickers the poster has, the more tasks you have completed. The less stickers, the less organised/unproductive you are.
I want to make a short animation of my idea to help explain the idea behind the poster/stickers purpose. The building up of the stickers show how much work goes into a project and this make you feel that you have worked hard.
I want the target to be used as a poster, that is based on the design cycle. I have designed a small key at the bottom to explain the different sectors where you can stick your to do tasks.
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