Tuesday, 29 May 2012

OUGD402 Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
Throughout this module I have developed skills that vary in many different ways. I have developed skills in reflection and evaluating my work as a designer and my self as an individual. I have applied them by following the various tasks and evaluation processes to help push myself and work further.

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I have taken simple but effective approaches to my PPP design production, especially the brief speaking from experience. There was not a lot of design work there but the idea behind the target and the stickers was effective and sometimes that is was design should be. I have informed my process my researching various time management problems and putting my own experience of this last year into practice. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
My strengths would be the reflecting and evaluation tasks throughout the year. I will capitalise this further by continuing to look at my work and my individual development.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
The weaknesses I can identify in my work would be in the double page spread. I produced something similar a year ago and half tone seems to be a popular theme in the class today. I should have gone for something different and experimented with layout more. I will address this in the future by researching layout design. I will keep looking out for trends but next time I would put my own stamp on it.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. As always manage my time and blog more 
2.Research into more innovative and experimental resolutions.
4.Develop a greater understanding of graphic design.
5.Create more design sheets 

Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 5
Motivation - 3
Commitment - 3
Quantity of work produced - 3
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 5

Monday, 28 May 2012

Final presentation boards

These are my speaking from experience boards that I showed on the day of my final crit. They range from initial research to the final mock up piece. I was unable to print off final stickers and target poster due to the print slots being fully booked and the crazy drop ins. I have photoshopped a poster on an office wall below to show how my idea for time management can be put into context.


Sunday, 27 May 2012

Speaking from experience crit

The crit went well, I think there was some confusion with the sticker colours but people liked my simple idea and thought it would be useful to have. Other feedback was that I could produce more of a range of products and delve deeper with the problem I have briefed myself to tackle.

Speaking from experience

This is a very simple example of how my Target organisation chart works. I wanted to produce a stop frame motion of a printed copy of the poster and stickers however I have unable to print. The general idea behind this project is very simple, for each design module/brief you put up a Target poster and you write 'To Do' tasks on the arrow stickers. Once you have completed the 'To do' tasks you stick it on the Target. The target as you can see is split up into sectors that follow the design cycle. The sectors are Investigate, Plan, Design, Create and Evaluate. I want the target, when finished to make someone stand back and appreciate how much work goes into a brief. It should make them feel proud because it is a visual record of all their hard work.

The stickers build up towards the end of the film.

In the crit I will explain how you only put a sticker on the poster if you have completed the to do task. The more stickers the poster has, the more tasks you have completed. The less stickers, the less organised/unproductive you are.

I want to make a short animation of my idea to help explain the idea behind the poster/stickers purpose. The building up of the stickers show how much work goes into a project and this make you feel that you have worked hard. 

I want the target to be used as a poster, that is based on the design cycle. I have designed a small key at the bottom to explain the different sectors where you can stick your to do tasks.

Speaking from Experience

I wanted to the put the poster into context, so I have photoshopped it into an office/studio near a workspace. I am unable to print the poster/stickers so I thought the best way of presenting it was to show it in context. The main reason I was unable to print was the size of the poster. In the future I may try and print it and use it for myself. I can see it working really well for me because I have a big work load.

This is what the stickers will look like in a packet. They come in the same range of colours as the target. If this product existed I would sell the stickers in the college shop, so people can keep topping up for their tasks and lists.

I have finalised my sticker designs to match the colour coding of my poster. I have made a box for students to write there to do task on, there is plenty of room to do this and I feel that tasks are better to tackle when broken down. 

I have improved the poster and placed the key at the bottom. It looks cleaner and does not distract the main design of the target.

I have finalised the arrow sticker I intend to use for the to do task sticker pack. I chose to put the text box here because it looks cleaner and there is more room to write on that part of the arrow shape. I want to produce a range of colours to help students/designers break up their to do's. In my research I read that if you break them up, they are quicker and easier to do. Once you have done them, you feel satisfied by sticking the arrow on the target.

I am trying to figure out where I can put my text box on my arrow. The shape if difficult to work with and the white space does not look right on this idea.

I have started work on my arrows that I want to make into stickers. I am working on a classic arrow shape but I want it to look more rounded and friendly.

I am trying to figure out how to explain the sectors of the Target. I want to layout a colour coded key because I think the number idea below are messy a clog up the page.

This doesnt not work either, the placement of the number 4 is really distracting.

I am numbering the sectors of the target because I want to make a key that explains the design cycle. I am unsure if this works well. I may try a different layout or even colour coding.

I have begun designing the target for my poster. I have chosen these colours because they are fun and fresh, and sometimes work loads can be over whelm you so I think something happy and fresh may help.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Presentation - subjects to discuss

I have to Produce and present a 7 - 10 minute Powerpoint presentation that communicates a reflective summary of my own experiences on the course to date. I need to aim to identify who I am as a learner and a designer as well as how the things I have experienced over the past nine months have affected my current aims and ambitions. I should also attempt to communicate your ambitions for next year.

My own personal development as an individual and as a designer is affected by all aspects of my life. This is an opportunity to reflect on the experiences from the past nine months that have informed the decisions that I have made/ are making about my future development.

The ability to reflect upon my personal development can help me to gain confidence in my abilities as well as identify areas of strength, focus, ambition and improvement.

What have I learnt and what do I want to learn?

As an individual I have learnt...
How to live away from home
Cook and clean
Budget and organise my own money
Look after my own health care

As an individual I want to learn...
More on how to organise money
How to run a house next year
New recipes 

As a designer I have learnt...
Time management skills
How to juggle briefs 
How to work independently 
How to work under pressure
How to work in a studio environment
How to screen print
How to work with colour
How to work with typography
How to work as a group
Design context

As an designer I want to learn...
Alternative ways on how to manage time
How to use letter press
More about paper stock and print
How to promote myself
How to present my work
More indepth design context knowledge

What mistakes have you made and how have you learned from them? 

As an individual...
I have made the mistake of going to Morrisons at a really busy time.
I have learnt not to stress myself out by doing the food shop at a busy time.

Spending too much money on rubbish food.
Rubbish food makes you feel rubbish and its a waste of money.

Paying out more money for train journeys because I had not booked them properly.
I must check if the train is booked properly so I dont loose out on money

I have forgotten to write down how much I have spent.
I loose track of how much I am spending.

As a designer...
I have not managed my time effectively
I have learnt to write lists to save myself from stress

I have rushed at the end of a project and let the presentation of my work let me down.
I must not rush because all that hard work should not be let down by careless presentation

For some projects I have played it safe and I did not pushed my ideas
I end up with design that doesn't extend my portfolio or push the boundaries 

I sometimes dont explore ideas through design sheets
Jumping into an idea without design sheets does not help you push your ideas further.

Leaving blogging to the last minute
This makes you stressed and you dont have time to give your annotations justice. 
You also dont have time to reflect on your blog.

How will this affect your future development? 
I think by learning from your mistakes, it helps your future development by making you push the boundaries of ideas within your design practice. Individually if I become more organised, it will relief some stress that I have experienced this year.

What are your strengths and how have you/will you develop them further?

As an individual...
I think as an individual I am quite focused and hard working. I think I am a fun and caring person to be around and hopefully next year the house I will be living in will all get along.

As a designer
I am also focused and hard working
I play to my networking strengths and I enjoy getting my name out there
I am good at working with colour
I am good at Illustrator and I have love for vector art
I am open to the world of the unknown

How will I develop this further?
Overall I will use my hard working ethics to push my ideas further.
I want to get my name out there on a professional basis so I could develop some branding. 
I want to explore colour more within my work and build up a archive of colour palettes
I dont always want to rely on vectors but I would like to learn a few more tricks of the trade.
I am open to experimentation, I like the feeling of not knowing how a project is going because it makes you take  risks. 

What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address these? 

As an individual...
I can be quite shy at times and not very confident in myself, I can address this issue by making myself step out of my comfort zone because in the past this has always worked. 
I worry a lot and sometimes and I need to address this by becoming more organised. 

As a designer...
I sometimes play it safe by sticking to what I know, I have notice this by the way I tackle a brief that I am unsure of/not enjoying. I tend to go for simple vector designs and colour schemes that I have used before. I need to push myself and experiment more.
My weakness's also lie in some of the more practical things such as book binding and manual printing. I wish I had more of a knowledge to these types of finishes because I think they could make my work step up a level. I need to time manage my time better so I can fit these things in whilst the facilities are at my grasp.
I think some of my presentation/finishing skills of my work could do with improvement. I think it is important that you end a project on a high. I sometimes struggle with the finishing touches, like folding and gluing work neatly and sometimes the paper stock I have chosen is not durable for my product. I will address this issue by practicing and taking my time at the end.

What have you enjoyed and why?

As an individual...
I have enjoyed experiencing the student life and watching myself develop into someone I want to be.
I have enjoyed meeting open and like minded people because where I come from I dont feel I am on the same wave length as some people. 
I have enjoyed living in a city, I have never experienced the hussle and bussle before and I am taking advantage of what I have got at my finger tips.

As a designer...
I have enjoyed the close nit studio community because everyone is really friendly and supportive.
I have enjoyed learning new skills such as screen printing because I have never tried i before and it is something I could get really into doing.
I have enjoyed learning new ways of working to a brief, the tight deadlines have made me push myself and I have enjoyed the pressure.

What have you disliked and why?
This year I have not really disliked anything. In Freshers, I had to go under this big change of moving away from home and fending foe myself and I found it quite difficult. 

How does this affect your ambitions?
The whole experience of the first year has been great, I have grown as a person and I can see how my work has developed. I realise that I am lucky that I know what I want out of life and I want to set myself ambitious tasks so that I feel satisfied. 

What did you want to get from the year?

As a designer...
As a designer I wanted to learn a new range of skills and work methods to help push myself forward away from ND level. I wanted to meet like minded people and experience a studio environment that could help me develop as a designer with the help of others. I have experienced collaboration and this was important for me because I wanted to see how people can work effectively as a team.

As an Individual...
I wanted to learn how to stand on my own two feet because when I moved here in Sept I was just 18 and one of the youngest people on the course. I wanted to meet like minded people and experience the social side of Leeds. I wanted to find a good group of friends which I could share a house with next year, I achieved this and I cant wait to move in. 

Have you achieved this?
Overall I have achieved more than I thought was possible, I have made some great friends and I have produced work that I am proud of. I still have a long way to go but I am glad that I made the choice to be on this course because I am lucky to have the studio time and space to work with.

What have you discovered that you weren’t expecting?
I have discovered that Graphic designer is a lot harder than it looks! End of!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Speaking from experience rational

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Rough visuals

Today I have jotting down some very rough visuals because I had an image in my head and I needed to write it down before I forget it. I have started work on the target idea I want to develop into a wall planner. There will be stickers to help you break up your to do tasks, plus it is a fun and simple way of keeping your work load organised.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Speaking from experience ideas!

I woke up in the middle of the night and had a brain wave for this brief, I grabbed my note book and I jotted the idea down quick!