Thursday, 26 April 2012

Speaking from experience

Write three problems that could be addressed.
Time management skills
Sometimes my lack of motivation
Budgeting my money

Five reasons why
I am quite dyslexic so I can be quite unorganised with my work load. Some weeks I don't get as much work done as I could because I don't always get my priorities straight. I can get quite distracted and I often get overwhelmed by my to do lists.

I sometimes leave certain tasks for weeks, and this often leads to a backlog of work I need to be getting on with. Some of these tasks range from typing up lecture notes to design principle blog posts.

Due to living away from home, my motivation can sometimes lag. I cannot just put all my energy into my work anymore because I have to look after myself. I can get overwhelmed and I sometimes don't know where to start when it comes to tackling a brief. I also feel that I sometimes bombard myself with inspiration and my brain goes into over load and I start comparing my work to others. I think I need to stop trying to be a perfectionist.

In September I told myself that I had to write down all of my spendings into a little book. I have tried to keep up with this task, however I have missed a few costs out. I think it is important to write what I have spent down because it will give me a realistic figure of how much money I will need for second year.

When I go shopping I sometimes over spend. I am rubbish at maths and I find it hard to take my time in the Morrisons in town because it can be quite busy. I often loose count of my total and by the time I get to the check out I have gone over budget and I have to carry all my bags back to the flat because I can't afford a taxi.

Five ways to solve and deliever
Write to do lists and break them up so the tasks don't look too daunting.
Prioritise my time better and go to bed early.
Buy a calculator to use when I go shopping.
Take breaks when constructive motivationa and inspiration is lacking, for example watch a film, make some food or go for a walk.

Write 3 messages to myself in the past.
Don't be too harsh on yourself.
Don't leave your OUGD404 module tasks to the last few weeks before hand in!
You should have taken that dyslexia sooner!

5 reasons why
I can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my work and I always want to push myself. This can be quite exhausting and I can put myself down about things.

I sometimes get really tired from doing work and I feel bad about stopping doing my work.

This course makes you juggle a lot of things at once so you have to be strict on your time management. I found it hard to keep up with 404 and I missed a couple of lessons because I was ill. I missed a lot from those two lessons and I found the colour theory work hard to understand.

If I had not left 404, I may be getting a better mark.

I should have taken my dyslexia test sooner. I was put off by the thought of paying out £260 for a test. I do sometimes struggle with some of the essay writing/course tasks so before easter I booked a test. In the end I thought about how much free stuff you get that can benefit my work.

Five ways to solve and deliever.
Take dyslexia test in May.
Don't leave any other module task to the last minute.
Look after myself so I don't get that poorly again.
Take risks.
It's all about the idea at the end of the day.


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