Sunday, 18 September 2011

Induction Week

Brief - As students embarking upon a degree there are many problems you encounter within the first few weeks alone. They tend to be relatively small problems that if you knew the solutions to you would be able to settle into your new life as student even quicker. As a group you are to identify one of these problems and resolve it.

In our groups we wrote down lists and lists of problems. In the end each group drew out of the hat 5 problems that the class came up with. This was our groups 5 problems. We then had to choose a problem from the list.

We chose the problem under the title of "How to avoid that awkward moment when you forget to wear stripes on stripey friday."

In our group we then had to come up with ideas on how to solve this problem. Our group came up with a broad range of ideas, the images below are pictures of our mind maps.


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