Saturday, 31 March 2012

Interview with Lizzi

I worked from the interview above and then asked my own questions to Lizzi.

1. What got you into graphic design?
2. What have you enjoyed most about the first year?
3. What would your dream job be?
4. Who are your biggest inspirations?
5. Favourit past times?

1. Gosh, it took me a long time to come to the conclusion of studying graphic design. I've always loved design and everything creative, but before the end of last year my mind was everywhere! I'd applied for a few different courses in fashion and printing and could not make my mind up, and in the end declined the offers I'd received because I had applied for London which was too far away for a northerner like me. My foundation tutor was actually the one to suggest LCA to me which I applied for through clearing, and it made sense in the end to apply for graphic design because it is so versatile that I can explore different loves and not have to tie myself down to a particular media.

2.The thing I have enjoyed most about the first year is having a little bit more creative freedom with briefs we've been given, and although I've hated the long nights, its been interesting seeing how much work I can actually push myself to do in the time available.

3. My dream job would be to have my own print studio, where I could create my own work and also teach printing techniques to others and spread the love.

4. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not actually great with the names of the designers I love, but there are also too many to name anyway! One that has stuck in my head this year though has been Emily Allison, who creates beautiful prints. I also love David Shrigley's style and his sense of humour, and even though she's not a graphic designer, I love Tracey Emin's way with words and her neon pieces.

5. I am very vocal about the fact that my favourite past time is TV, which I am obsessed with, but I also love going to watch live comedy and drinking overpriced cocktails. And eating, I love eating.
and spending time with my boy, obviously, but thats a bit cheesy.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Time management

Time management task

Today in our PPP lesson with Fred we looked more into our time management skills. I know mine have been lacking recently so it is good to reflect on what time I do actually use efficiently and what time I waste. 

10 Rules to improve my social life

1. Organise weekly film nights with my friends
2. Go out for a drink at least once a week even if it is a trip to the pub
3. Skype a friend from home every other night
4. Touch base with the family
5. Make food with friends
6. Talk to someone in the studio that I don't talk to that often
7. Look for a new hobbie/interest
8. Go to more gigs
9. Take advantage of student deals/orange wednesdays so I can eat out and go to the cinema more.
10. Organise a trip to Manchester or York with some friends.

10 Rules for domestic 

1. Change the sheets every week.
2. Clean the stupid tooth paste stains off the horrible Liberty park sinks that get really dirty really easily.
3. Iron clothes every week, don't just chuck them in the wardrobe.
4. Wash up straight after my dinner.
5. Go food shopping every week.
6. Wash my hair every other day.
7. Don't leave paper all over my bedroom floor.
8. Hoover my room weekly.
9. Clean the bathroom weekly.
10. Wash my clothes weekly.

10 Rules for design practise

1. Write to do lists.
2. Always draw out ideas before designing them on the computer.
3. Do your research!
4. Always draw and write out your consept.
5. Experiment with new materials.
6. Look at other peoples work.
7. Network and promote yourself.
8. Get enough sleep to function properly.
9. Always carry a pen and a notebook/sketch book around.
10. Don't be ignorant to the world around you.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hanging out with Lizzi

To help me with my double page spread, I went to Lizzi's and baked brownies with her. I did a little photoshoot and we did some question and answers before heading off to a Laura Marling gig.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Time management task